Sie sind hier: Startseite FRAGL Arbeitspapiere FRAGL 31:Die Anhörung – eine Problematisierung Erstaufnahmeinterviews von Asylbeantragenden in Deutschland unter der Lupe

FRAGL 31:Die Anhörung – eine Problematisierung Erstaufnahmeinterviews von Asylbeantragenden in Deutschland unter der Lupe

— abgelegt unter:

Lena Krause



This paper aims to analyse some core aspects of the asylum procedure as practiced in Germany today, 65 years after the implementation of the German constitution. I will focus specifically on aspects of communication and language. Furthermore, the paper aims to propose several changes, given the finding that the procedure fails to protect the rights of asylum seekers. It rather protects the country's options to reject asylum seekers.
In the first part the asylum procedure is portrayed theoretically and regarding its legal framework, with specific focus on the asylum interview at the Bundesamt für Migration und Flüchtlinge. The second chapter concentrates on the corresponding interview practice as analysed in the literature. A selection of problems is discussed regarding the officials in charge at the Bundesamt, the formal documentation of the asylum interview, and the aspect of community interpreting. In the third part, I propose to revise the interview as currently practiced. My suggestion is to pool the expertise of several disciplines such as linguistics, ethnology and psychology, striving for a socially responsible asylum procedure in accordance with the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948).


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