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FRAGL 27: Positioning in Scholarship Applications: On the intercultural pragmatics of an academic genre

— abgelegt unter:

Kotthoff, Helga


This article discusses the presentation of self and others in scholarship applications to German institutions by applicants from foreign countries. My data consist of a collection of applications by graduates, doctoral candidates and post-doctoral university teachers from Caucasian and Central Asian countries that were formerly Soviet republics (but not from Russia). I combine text and genre analysis, politeness and positioning theory (Davies/Harré 1990) and place my study within intercultural pragmatics. I found institutionally problematic or unsuitable positionings in a third of the applications from the social sciences and humanities. I discuss various text segments that, among other things, show difficulties in handling explicitness and implicitness in the communication of specialist competence. In segments where reasons for the choice of a guest university should be presented, Germany is often positioned as the helper of the applicant’s country. Scientific communities will be viewed as “communities of practice” in which standards of self- and other-representation are learned. The scholarship appl. genre displays the hegemonic division lines in international science; it is evident that the applications were submitted by persons with far less chance of participating in international science than students from the USA, Australia, New Zealand or Western and Northern Europe.



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