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FRAGL 3: Enregistering pluricentic German

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Auer, Peter



The notion of pluricentric languages as introduced by Heinz Kloss and made popular by Michael Clyne and (for German) by Ulrich Ammon is usually defined with reference to the codified standard varieties of a language which are said to differ in the various states in which the language is used. According to this definition standard German doubtlessly is a pluricentric language. However, as shown in this paper, the number of Teutonisms is huge, but there are only comparatively few Austriacisms and Heleviticisms since most of the candidate features are also found in the southern part of Germany. This raises the interesting question of how Austrian and Swiss standard German become enregistered (Agha) as distinct varieties. The paper discusses several examples of how this is done.


The paper has appeared as:

"Enregistering pluricentric German". In: Augusto Soares da Silva (Hrsg.) Pluricentricity. Language Variation and Sociocognitive Dimensions. Berlin/Boston: de Gruyter - Mouton, S. 19-48

"If you would like to receive a copy of this FRAGL working paper, please write to: peter.auer@germanistik.uni-freiburg.de"



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