Sie sind hier: Startseite FRAGL Arbeitspapiere FRAGL 48: Das Blickverhalten von Schüler:innen bei Fragen der Lehrkraft an das Plenum

FRAGL 48: Das Blickverhalten von Schüler:innen bei Fragen der Lehrkraft an das Plenum

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Jessica Hupfer hupfer-je@t-online.de


This paper explores students gaze behavior during classroom interactions, particularly when the teacher addresses questions to the entire class. Based on an eye-tracking study, the students’ reactions to questions were analyzed to determine how gaze behavior contributes to the allocation of speaking turns. The analysis shows that students use their gaze strategically to signal their willingness or reluctance to answer a question. Establishing mutual gaze between the teacher and the student, combined with hand signals or nonverbal gestures like nodding, is a key mechanism for selecting the next speaker. On the other hand, students who avoid eye contact with the teacher often indicate that they do not wish to be selected as the next speaker. The study also shows that while mutual gaze is important, in an institutional setting such as a classroom it does not result in the immediate selection of a speaker. Instead, additional verbal cues or gestures are required. Furthermore, the analysis shows that students often look at their materials or other students when they do not wish to participate. These findings highlight the central role of gaze behavior in classroom interactions and the importance for teachers to carefully observe this behavior.


Key words: Eye-tracking, Sprecherwechsel, Blickverhalten, Classroom interaction, Zuweisung des Rederechts, Mutual gaze


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