Sie sind hier: Startseite FRAGL Arbeitspapiere FRAGL 46: Kuratierte Identität Die Identitätskonstruktion von ethnischen Minderheiten am Beispiel der Pommern in Freistadt und Wausau, Wisconsin

FRAGL 46: Kuratierte Identität Die Identitätskonstruktion von ethnischen Minderheiten am Beispiel der Pommern in Freistadt und Wausau, Wisconsin

— abgelegt unter:

Paula Recknagel


Paula Recknagel


In the context of nineteenth-century immigration to North America, the United States constituted itself as a 'melting pot': The identities of different immigrant groups were supposed to merge into a homogeneous whole. This paper analyses whether the identities of Pomeranian immigrant groups followed this ideal or changed as a result of encounters with other ethnic groups. Data from the websites of the Pommerscher Verein Freistadt as well as the Pommerscher Verein Central Wisconsin and their associated organizations is used to identify which components Pomeranians in Freistadt and Wausau use to construct their current ethnic identities. Crucially, one has to bear in mind, the Pomeranian language is slowly fading away.
The analysis of the websites shows that both groups construct their identities mainly through cultural components such as festivals, traditional food and clothing, music and dances that originate from the region of Pomerania as well as from Germany. Their heritage variety is only being used symbolically. These elements reveal that the Pomeranian identity is based on carefully curated symbols, most of which have sentimental value and serve to maintain what is left of the Pomeranian legacy. All these aspects are brought together by the examined heritage societies to generate an ethnically based community spirit and a new Pomeranian identity.

Key words: Ethnizität, Identität, sprachliche und ethnische Minderheiten, Pommern, Pommersch


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